Time-Lags In The Developement Of Urban Residential Plots In4 Kano Medropolis
Developpement, Urban, Residential, Medropolis, convenienceSynopsis
~his study has looked into the causes and ~onsequences of time-L~gs Lbetween the acquisition and development of residential plots in two layouts in the Kano Metropolis. Using a èonvenience sampling~a total of two hundred 9...4V} ' and :ft&f~~ty~ responden ts, (_SA8)~1-Ples)1 consistin.9 o:f the owners of undeveloped, uncompleted and developed ( completed} pJ.ots in B.~.dawa phase II and Gadon ... kaya phase II la.youts were investigated. ~he research was aimed among other things; at examining and identifying the causes and conse .... quences of delays in the development of Urban residential plots in Kano ~t.ropolis .. My findings have con:finned that there are a long period of delay bet.ween the aquisition and development o:f
residential plots in the study areao The reason1s. for this delay include high cost of building matex-ials, small size of plots, lack of infrastructures in the layouts, poor location of plots, lack of building funds and problems of land speculation,, among other things. It has also been. di.scov:ered that these problems are to a large extent inter-related, one factor reinforcing the other. However, the problem of lack of 1fund was identified as one o;f the most important pr<DbJ.ems affectiilg,,-many responden1.Js.
Finally » the failure o;f Lands and Reg.ional .Planning Directorate and Kano State Envixonmeμta1 Planning and Protection Agency,· (I<A,SEPI?A) to discharge their dutie$ .. effectively in terms of p,roper supervision, adequate
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