Sociology of rural women agricultural labour groups and implication for the development of abakaliki agricultural zone of Ebonyi state
Mots-clés :
Women's role, women's organizations, technology transfer, farmers, agricultural production, labour shortage, rural women, labour, agricultural development, NigeriaSynopsis
Shortage of labour has been traced variously to lack of
mon_ey to hire labour, increased enrolment of youth into
schools, as well as rural-urban migration of a more productive
labour force. This study aim~d at studying the roles of women
/ groups in agricultural production in Abakaliki zone of Ebonyi
State. The study covered three Local Government Areas:
Ohaukwu, Abakaliki and Izzi. A total of 90 women groups and
non-group members were sampled for the study. Frequency
'scores, percentages, means and factor analysis were used for_
data analysis. The result shows that women groups have been
, existing before . Nigeria's Independ";nce to uphold certain
functions. However, there ,as· n·o particular rule for the
formation since two or more women who are in dynamic
interrelation with one another can form a group. The criteria
for membership in a group is determitned
Aleke, c. (1995) Office of Women Commission, Ohaukwu Local Government Area (Personal· Communication) .
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