

Mots-clés :



This study analyses household fish consumption in Ibadan metropolis and examines the implications for food and nutrition policies. Cross-sectianal data were collected fram 124 households in Ibadan with a view ta analysing the functianal relatianship between fish cansumptian and same socio-econamic variables of the househald. For this purpase, households were classified into low, middle and high incarne groups. The study showed that majority of households in the study area are in the low incarne class. lncome was found to be a major determinant of hausehald fish consumption expenditure, while ather factors
like household size, age, occupation, taste and level of education were secondary determinants. The study alsa reveals that the average monthly expenditure of .fish increases with increase in incarne and hausehald size. ln the regression analysis, four functional forms were fitted to the collected data in which the expanential function gave the best fit for hausehalds' fish consumption expenditure. The incarne elasticity of demand for fish was found to be 0.12122, indicating that fish is incarne inelastic and is also a necessity in the study area, while the MPC for incarne was 0.0076. Incarne was found ta be statistically significant at 1 per cent while household size and age were significant at 5 per cent. Education did not appear ta be a significant explanatory variable influencing fish consumption expenditure in this study. The findings of this study point to the need for increasing damestic fish production in the country through deliberate government efforts and the participation of the private sectors and NGOs in development plans, thereby increasing the daily per caput intake of fish.


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juillet 20, 1999


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