Mots-clés :
This study was aimed t the pattern of infant feeding and its effect on health and nutritional status of infants and lactating mothers. This study was borne out of persis tent infant mortality in Nigeria in recent times. To achieve the broad objective of this study, five specific objectives and twb null hypotheses were formulated. The sample for the study consisted of 240 lactating mothers -0nd 200 infants selected at random. Data was collected with questionnaire, 24 hours dietary recalls and anthropornetric measurements. Data was analysed with correlation, chi-square and frequency distribution table. It was found that infant feeding habbit affected infantus and mother0s health and nutritional status. Specifically, factors such as incarne, educational back ground and occupation affected the infant feeding practices, nutritional and health status. Dietary recall showed that infants had a low intake of protein foods Infection such as diarrhoea, measles and boils were also dictated among the infants especially dvring the weaning period. Also some health problems were dictated among lactating mothers (vomitting, loss of appetite etc).
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