CULTURE AND DESIGN DECISION URBAN HOUSING: an appraisal of the niger bridge-head housing estate onitsha


Cosmas Uchenna IKEJIOFOR,

Mots-clés :



Research has established conclusively that user satisfaction in housing is culture-conditioned. lt has also been overwhelmingly demonstrated that the participation of the real users of housing in the conceptual design phase of housing programmes is perhaps the only strategy that can guarantee ultimate success for such programmes in terms of their being capable o_Lsatisfying the real needs of housing consumers. However, recent trends in designer-user relationships indicate a growing alienation of the designer from the users of hous­ ing, with the result that the .culture-conditioned housing needs of these users are often ill-comprehended and thus' in the design of housing schemes. improperly adèlressed This study investigates, against the given background, some theoretical and practical imperatives in the quest for a functionally and socio-culturally satisfying housing, using one urba.n housing estate as case study. Employing the social survey research methodology, the study articulates user needs and preferences in housing within the study area and uncovers new attitudes which can
form the basis of new hypothesis. lt identifies the implications of research findings for future housing policy and for further research and proposes strategies for achieving greater success in governments' urban housing development efforts.


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juillet 20, 1990


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