Mots-clés :
Thepurpose of· this study wa,s to establish average body measurements of female adolescent students of 12 to 14 years ofage for use in drafting black patterns for them.. A null hypothesis that there would be no signilficant differences in the mean body measurements for bust, waist:, hip as well as back waist length of female studen ts of 12, 13, and 14 years of age (P.::. O. 05) waste sted., The population comr,rised all the junior secondary students in the 55 girls' secondary schools in Enugu State. Thesample consisted of 600:female adolescents randomly drawn from the population. Measur·ernents of 18 parts of the body
were t en wtih a fibre-steEil tape (non-stretch able) and the data was analyzed using the.mean, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Duncan 1s New mul tiplé Range Test (DNMRT). There were no· significant differences :Ln the mean body measurements of adolescent females aged 12 to 14 years for bustr waist, hip and.back waist length. Based on the result of
the statistics, oneset of sloper comprisin front bodice master pattern, back bodice master pattern front' skirt, back skirt and sleev•e pattern was drafted for the target·group. These pattern pieces were transferred on cw.ico ,fabric and the pieces éewn together to forma toile. Thebodice and sleeve toile were tried on a standard figure and trued to obtain good fit.
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