Retired persons' adjustment to new roles and implications for social work: a case study of pensioners njikoka local government area of Anambra state
Retirement, structural adjustment, aged, social work, social welfare, retirement pensions, new roles, NigeriaSynopsis
The study set out to identify what new roles retirees engage
n, how properly adjusted t.J1ey were t.o these new roles and the
mplications of these for Social Work in Nigeria. A total of four
,undred· and fifty .( 450) pensioners were se.Lected ueing syetematic
andom sampling method. These were pensiors with Nj ikolia Local
overnment Area as t-heir ·pay-point. The methode: of data collection
ere the guestlo,rnaire and interview. The data collected were
nalysed using percentages and chart.a while the hypotheses were
est.eel using Chi·-square (X2 ) and percentag,ss. The results obtained
howed that. smsll scale farming we. telle most popular new
ole/activity among the respondents.
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