Nigeria and ECOWAS: a Study of the Obstacles to Nigeria's Implementation of ECOWAS Protocols
Mots-clés :
ECOWAS, human rights, trade liberalization, ECOWAS Protocols, Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence, NigeriaSynopsis
Nigeria has(not implemented some of the ECOWAS
Frotocols it has ratified. One explanation for this
is its preoccupation with pu,rsuing domestic interests
and issues.Muchas it cherishes the ideals of integration, the
imperatives of satisfying domestic needs makes it
reluctant to implement ECOWAS protocols. Thus its
attitude tb ECOWAS becom~s that of ambivalence and
vacillation. This finds expression in the non-implementation
of ECOWAS protocols.
In Nigeria, the structure and process of decisionmaking
on ECOWAS matters exist only in name. Taking
decisions by the established institutions that have
responsibility for ECOWAS matters and by the laid down
.procedures is a rarity" . Consequently decisions are
often taken without due regard toits long-term
implications for Nigeria's obligation to ECOWAS. As
a result, the implementation of ECOWAS protocole is
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