Mots-clés :
It befits anintroduction to a study of one aspect ofNknunah1s career to quote from the renowned British parliamentarian Fenner Brockway who, in the mid sixties, observed that: "Long before .the end of this century, Dr. Nkrumah's thesis,
(that of Africa must unite or perisht vvill be accepted as the charter of the 'New Africa" (Pan-Africa,, October 29, 1965). Intellectuals both in Africa and the West are nowtalking of Nk:run:lah's rehabilitation as Africa1s hero (Birmingham, 1990). In Ghana, his rehabilitation as a national hero has commenced.Like Simon Bolivar, theliberator of South America, Kwame Nkrumahhas become the posthumous hero of a balkanized continent, plagued with famine, starvation, civil wars and increasing domination by extemal financial and political forces. N1rnnnah had a preference for. centralized systems whether in politics or in labour organizations. He is often identified with the one-party system in A.frica. This element also permeated through the labour structures in which his influence was felt. The post-Cold War era has been marked by the phenomenal collapse of monolithic systems and a momentous upsurge ofliberal and pluralist elements in most African polities. This may appear to cast doubt on the relevance ofNkrum.ah for this age. It must however, be emphasized that Nkrumah1s ideas are as relevant today as they were in the 19501s and 19601s. It is from the achievements, ommissions and failures of ifs patriarchs that Africa must begin the pur suit of solution to it's current problems.
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