The growing phenomenon of muslim militancy in South Africa since 1985 and the state's concerted efforts to neutralise it Cape Town
Mots-clés :
Islam, muslims, apartheid, state intervention, Cape Town, South AfricaSynopsis
The disse,-tàtion investigates a.nd explo,-es
phenomenon of Mus lim mili tancy in Sou th A f ,-
tne conce,-tea efforts of th1~ Apartheid State to
the glowing since 1985 and neutralise it.
the groming phenomenon of Mus lim militancy and the growth of
Is 1am was demons tra ted viv idly in the township protes t of
1985_ F01- the first time this centu,-y~Islam began ta assert
its ideological power_ Almost overnight the townships of the
Western Cape ,particularly to accede a new '
force on the ten-ain of ideoiogy .
Over the last few years the Islamic phenomenon has suddenly
attracted the attention of a cross-section of South Af,-ica.n
society ranging from the State ,churches and academics
This dissertaû.on is a contribution ta South African social
and culturai history ,and more specifically,it is an addition
to the number of s tu dies on the his tory of Is 1am in
South Africa .