The structure of women's working hours and implications for effective role performance : a case study of women bankers in Lagos island


SALAMI, Roseline Olubukola
Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences University of lbadan; Ibadan, Nigeria

Mots-clés :

Hours of work, women workers, banks, family environment, evaluation, Lagos, Nigeria


'Ihe principal objective of the study was to examine the
structure of the working hours of vK)rking rrothers in the Banking
Indusb:y with ayiew at evaluating the .implications which this have·
for effective roles perfonrance (both at hare and at vK)rk). It was
also to highlight the extent of their satilfaction with the working
hours and to bring into focus the ways in mich V>Drking rrothers in the
banking indust:ry adjust to their work situation and farnily responsibilit".'"


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novembre 28, 1990


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