Variabilité climatique et gestion socio-économique des parcs à néré Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G.Don. de la commune de Djidja au Bénin


BOKO, Frechno Ermite

Mots-clés :

Perception and adaptation to climate variability, Néré parklands, socio-economy, Benin


Néré parklands which are one of the most important agroforestry systems in Benin are damaged
because of anthropogenic characteristics and climate variability. The objective of this study is to
analyze the effects of humans' activities and climate variability on socio economic living of
population and néré parklands vulnerability in Djidja township in Benin. Primary data on socioeconomic
characteristics of farmers, perception of climate variability, adaptation strategies
developed and inputs and outputs of production were collected through investigation of 81 néré
parkland'farmers and focus-group. Descriptive statistic and principal components analysis with
SAS 9.2, SPSS and Excel softwares were also used.
The mains results of the perceptions of populations about climate variability mainly about rain
variability fit with climate data trend obtained from meteorological stations. 93% of famers
notice this climate variability and 90,31 % adaptation strategies which are cultural practice
(41,33%), adaptation of the cropping system (37,33%), diversification of agricultural activities
(10,67%) and reforestation which is little practiced (8%). These adjustments mostly technical,
implemented by producers have repercussions on their economic performances. Economie
performances analysis showed no significant difference between adaptation technics but based
on income average, the adaptation of the cropping system seems to be the most profitable
(339132±84135) whereas the Jess profitable is the reforestation (143667±39389).


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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juillet 3, 2023


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