The economics of cocoyam production by small-holder farmers in Manyu division, southwest province of Cameroon
Mots-clés :
Plant production, root crops, food crops, food production, small farms, agricultural economics, CameroonSynopsis
An attempt has been made to examine the economics
of cocoyam production by smallholder farmers in Manyu
Division, Southwest Provine~ of Cameroon. The continuous
detrease in cccoyaM.A multi-stage sampling technique was used to
select twenty villages from the Manyu Division for study.
A random sample of six farmers was made from each of the
selected villages to provide the 120 respondents interviewed.
Questionnaires were administered to these fa~mers and
information obtained on the··socio-economic characteristics
of the farmers, production systems, types~ sources and costs
a~·~mputs used, output and value of product, as well as on
ptacessing, storage and utilization of cacoyam. Descriptive
statistics such as means, percentages, and frequency
distribution were used in data analysis. Multiple
regression analysis was also used to determine the effects
of certain socio-economic variables on the output of
The results of the study shpw that although majority
of the survey farmers are fairly literate and experienced
in farming,traditional production inputs and techniques