Risk factors for adolescent premarital pregnancy in Awassa Addis Ababa
Mots-clés :
Pregnancy, unmarried persons, adolescents, riskSynopsis
Premarital sexual behavior, pregnancy and childbearing are
recently reputed as serious social problems of teenagers in the
developed and developing countries. Although results of the
very limited surveys conducted in some of the Sub-Saharan
Africa countries reveal that the pregnancy and fertility of
unmarried adolescents have been increasing recently, the risk
factors are not yet clearly examined and need to be further
In Ethiopia lack of adequate survey data on premarital
pregnancy and fertility have restrained the specific patterns
from being depicted clearly. However, there are some indirect
evidences that presume to show their increasing tendencies. In
light of this, the present research attempts to assess the
extent to which adolescent premarital pregnancy has pervaded in
the urban setting (Awassa). It also examines the interrelationships
between adolescent premarital pregnancy and the
socio-economic, biological, behavioral, and family
In order to analyze and discuss the association between
the risk of having premarital pregnancy and its determinants,
cross-sectional survey was conducted in Awassa. Once the data
have been collected, the univariate, bivariate and multivariate
relationships are investigated. The major statistical tool
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