Gold exports and forest depletion in Ghana
Mots-clés :
Resources depletion, mining, gold, exports, environmental effects, forest resources, GhanaSynopsis
The concept of sustainable development in relation to depletable natural sources such as gold
extraction requires thorough consideration. This is due to the intergenerational and
intragenerational equity notions that affect mankind. As such, there is the need to maintain
such resources on a non-declining basis so as to maintain human welfare over time.
In addition, there is the interdependency between environmental protection and economic
growth for which every country strives to attain. In this case, development can take place if
and only if there is environmental protection, here relating to gold extraction localities.
This study employs multiple regression concepts to find the relationship between gold
extraction for exports and forest depletion. Also, tabular and graphical representation has
been used.
The findings of the study indicate that gold extraction for export as pertains to Ghana
increases the rate of forest depletion for the study period (1970 - 1997). This suggests that
protection of the forest is a necessary and sufficient condition for economic growth and
As a result of these, recommendations have been put forward for both government and
policy-makers to safeguard the forest estate, by retuning to the formai underground mining
and also using part of the returns from gold exports to regenerate the forest.
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