Evaluation of the music education programme in the primary teacher training colleges: Tanzania


Bertha Haule MENDE
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName## https://doi.org/10.57054/codesria.pub.1823

Mots-clés :

Evaluation, music education, primary teacher, training colleges, Tanzania


Music and other cultural Sl!bjects received emphasis in the -education- system i-n Tanzania during the reform of Education for Self Reliance. It was realized that tl1e cultural values of the nation were dying out, whereas schools and col1eges should have the role of transmitting culture to future generations. The aim ~of ëstablishing music education programmes in teacher
training colleges was to preparè teachers who would ensure effectiveness of similar programmes established for primary and secondary schools. The problems _ affecting music prog:r::ammes in Tanzania are: unfamiliarity with the subject, hurrieâ- training of the teachers, · ce-ntralized curriculuni" development, and lack of evaluation.


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février 12, 2005


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