Political corruption and development in Nigeria : a socio-economic analysis
Mots-clés :
Corruption, economics and social development, government, public administration, independence, political corruption, socio-economic analysis, NigeriaSynopsis
This research study investigated the ·,acclaimed,
stewardship of political office holder during the Second
Republic of Nigeria (1979 - 1983), with a view to answering
questions such as "were they corrupt"?, if yes, "what are
its effects on Nigeria's socio-ecor.aomic development"?.
The scope is 1979 - 1983 while the case study is Anambra
State. We saw it appropriate to adopt political economy
approach in our theoretical framework for this research
In the state, three arms of government existed: The
Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. Awote Panel
Report (1984), Madu Committee Report ~984), Nigeria Police
P.orce Document at ion ( 1967 - 1986), Goverr.ament wbli:.e. Paper ( 1984)
lth by the governing class.
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