The bureau of African affairs in the Nkrumah administration from 1951-1966 with a guide to its archives
Mots-clés :
African affairs, Nkrumah administration, archivesSynopsis
The events that took place in Africa under the Bureau of African Affairs may be said to have been motivated by the realisation that new states of Africa though independent, were constrained by the international environment, but that within those constraints (and others dictated by physical resources and human capabilities), there remained a degree of choice for African leaders to fashion their governments' policies to meet the continental demands. Consequently Kwame Nkrumah established the Bureau of African Affairs in order to expedite the fulfilment of the pan-African dream for the achievement of the total liberation of Africa from alien rule and domination and the enhancement of the dignity of the black man anywhere in the
world. strictly speaking this study is not just another thesis on Kwame Nkrumah. Rather, it is a study of a almost forgotten, but nonetheless important political institution established under his administration in pursuit of his African objectives.
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