An eclectic philosophical hermeneutics of African personality



Mots-clés :

An eclectic philosophic, African personality, progressive revelation, critidally review


In this work, we hold the view that African personality is Eclectic that there is no single concept that represents entirely African personality. In the same manner, it is our view, that African personality is not'a static concept. It is the articulation of the African being in the historicity. rt is a progressive revelation wuicn as a mutter of fact, is related to a philosophical, sociologic~l,
political, educational, religious and economic being of the.Af'rican. However, that may be, our ambition r1us been to
critidally review and analyse African personality or dignity as a historical and t;ocio-poli tical expression. We have argued st~ongly that various external f~ctors have cousti tuted the ma,jor hiuderance to tl1e authentic existence of the African or rather, the affirmation of African being, dignity and personality. These historical t'uctors (botl1 external and internal) we identified in the study were expressed in the statement of the problem. The pertinent ones


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juillet 6, 2023


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