Social Work Techniques in thSocial Work Techniques in the Treatment of Marital Problems: a case Study of Nsukka Zonal Social Welfare Area e Treatment of Marital Problems: a case Study of Nsukka Zonal Social Welfare Area
Mots-clés :
Marriage, family disintegration, social problems, social welfare, social workers, Nsukka, NigeriaSynopsis
This project was principally coneerned with social
work techniques for the treatment of marital problems
in Wsukka_Zonal Social Welfare Area. The basic aim of
the study, was to identify the techniques that were
effective for the treatment of marital problems among
couples in Nsukka.
Nsukka zonal social Welfare Area is made up of four
Social Welfare Agencies namely Igbo-Eze, •. Nsukka, IgboEtiti
and Isi-Uzo Social Welfare Agencies. The study
covered all the four Social Wel.fare Agencies.
In order to guide the study, five hypotheses were
tested4 Questionnaires were eollect data for the
study. The findings of the study ,. showed that the most
common marital problems among couples in Nsukka were lack
of maintenance, infidelity, erueltY,t:. childlessness,
fighting/insubordination, divorce, and ejection. The most
effective techniques used for treating these problems
were Family Therapy, Task centered Treatment Model, crisis
Intervention, and Behavio-~-:.r Modification.