Small scale farmers' perception of, and response to drought in makuyu division, muranga district, Kenya
Mots-clés :
Drought, farmers, small farms, economic implications, crop yield, hazard control, farming practices, KenyaSynopsis
This study on small scale farmers' perception of, and response
to drought in Makuyu Division of Murang'a District considered
different aspects such as the history and impact of drought, farmers'
perception of drought and possible influence on adjustment, as well
as farmer responses to the 1984/85 and 1992 drought years and their
suitability in averting drought. The study also examined statistically
relationships between selected socio-economic variables and selected
responses to drought. ·
Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources.
Primary sources consisted of farm household interviews and
repertory grids which aimed at gathering information on drought
years and impacts, drought perception and responses. Secondary
sources were mainly weather records archival doc\1ments, maps,
government records and profiles which provided data on the history
of drought and the geography of the study area. Data processing
and analysis utilised techniques such as percentages, averages,
frequencies, correlation, chi-square, cartographic and diagrammatic
The study reveals that drought is a recurrent phe.!Jomenon in
.Makuyu Division with remarkable impacts. An attempt to construe
farmers perception of drought revealed that fa·rmers' are limited in
their perceptions of variou:5 aspects of drought including, its causes,
probability, symptoms and 1nethods of this hazard control. These
misperceptions affect farmers' mode of adjustment.
An examination of the responses made <luring droughts shows
that farmers' responses are not effective in averting drought hazard.
Using the chi-square (X2) test of significance no statistical
relationship was found to exist between selected socio-economic
variables (age, income, educational level and farm size) and choice of
selected responses such as irrigation, mulching, type of cattle and
growing drought resistant crops.
In retrospect a possible future drought recovery approach is
suggested based on improving the existing structures.
Recommendations are made that farmers' educational programmes
need to be encouraged to instil proper drought perceptions; and a
long term drought preplanning policy need be formulated so that
effective strategies for coping with drought can be introduced. The
study also points out the need to develop existing resources in
Makuyu, at the same time integrating community participation as a
check to future drought attacks. Areas for further research by
scholars are also given.
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