Factors affecting default rate in the informal financial institution in Nsukka agricultural zone of Enugu State


EZE, Benjamin Sunday
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName## https://doi.org/10.57054/codesria.pub.1967

Mots-clés :

Factors affecting, informal financial, Nsukka, agricultural, Enugu State


The need for this work was to analyse the diff'erent factors that contributed to .the default rate in the Informal Financial Organizations. The main· objectives were to ex.amine the. structure and ~perationa of the institut ions; corrl it ions for obta·ining theae loans; various factors responsible and determine default ratear:d assess how methods of· financing;,. influence borrowing and repayment as well as recovering measures. employed by the institutions. Nsukka agricul tur al zone of Enugu Sta te we. a stud ied. The sample included te n officers of the informal lem.ers and 72 beneficiaries o Data were collected ·us·1ng questionnaires. The resul ts showed that. maj ority of the beneficiaries
were males who were middle aged between 402..59 · years. Most: of them were married and educated. The default rate eut accrosS ail the institutions. The findings also showed the informal institutions as an important sources of credit, however, thoc;e wère default in repayment. It also showed that the farmers had positive attitudes towa.rda· loan ·  repayment especially as they did not want to be dropped out of the institutions.


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juillet 7, 2023


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