General Assembly Distinguished Lectures. Kampala, 2002


Samir Amin
Mahmood Mamdani

Mots-clés :

Assemblée générale, Kampala


This volume brings together four lectures given by distinguished scholars at the 2002 Codesria General Assembly, all offering African perspectives on globalisation, terrorism and development.

The Claude Aké lecture delivered by Mahmood Mamdani offers an African perspective on 9/11, arguing that the roots of the terrorism so widely promulgated are in America (the ‘democratic empire’) and the Cold War. Mamdani underlines the aspect of terrorism he terms ‘culture talk’ – the language of contemporary globalisation. Samir Amin provides a critical overview and exploration of the alternatives to neoliberal globalisation, imperialism and militarism. Fatou Sow stresses the need to rethink development from positions that have regard for gender, and casts doubt on the slow pace of the integration of women into various spheres, despite women having acquired the ‘right to have rights’. The fourth lecture, also delivered by Fatou Sow, is a critical tribute to Léopold Sedar Senghor, the Senegalese ‘Poet-President’, commenting in particular on his attitudes to African languages and négritude, and includes the texts of his most beautiful poems dedicated to African women.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Samir Amin

 né le 3 septembre 1931 au Caire et mort le 12 août 2018 à Paris 14ᵉ, est un économiste politique franco-égyptien marxiste et militant anti-impérialiste. Il est notamment connu pour avoir été un des premiers à introduire des concepts comme l'eurocentrisme ou la théorie de la dépendance.

Mahmood Mamdani

 est un enseignant-chercheur en sciences politiques ougandais, spécialisé dans l'étude du colonialisme et du post-colonialisme. Il dirige actuellement d'Institut de recherche sociale de l'université Makerere de Kampala et enseigne à l'université Columbia.


août 20, 2005