Makers and Breakers: Children & Youth in Postcolonial Africa


Alcinda Honwana 
Filip De Boeck 

Mots-clés :

Créateurs, Disjoncteurs, Enfants, Jeunesse, Afrique postcoloniale


Edited by Alcinda Honwana & Filip De Boeck

Dakar, CODESRIA, 2005, 256 p., ISBN 2-86978-156-9

The studies in this book present many different views onto the lives of the young around the continent. They contribute to a theoretical, ethnographic and historical understanding of issues concerning children, youth, agency, locality, globalization and identity from the past to the postcolony and beyond. As such they strive to achieve a better insight into what lives in the hearts and minds of African youngsters.

Alcinda Honwana is Program Director at the Social Science Research Council, New York;

Filip De Boeck is Chair of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Catholic University of Leuven and Director of the Africa Research Center.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Alcinda Honwana 

est une anthropologue mozambicaine, professeure Centennial et directrice stratégique du Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa à la London School of Economics and Political Science. Ses recherches portent sur les jeunes, les mouvements sociaux, les protestations politiques et le changement social.

Filip De Boeck 

is Chair of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Catholic University of Leuven and Director of the Africa Research Center.



août 19, 2005