Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook
Mots-clés :
Conduire une recherche, Mentorat, Étudiants, Afrique, Qualitatif, épistémologique, Paradigmes, Quantitatif, Émergent, Comparatif, Art, Science, MéthodologieSynopsis
This handbook presents a selection of qualitative, quantitative, emergent and comparative research methods, many of which are African-centered. Furthermore; it discusses epistemological paradigms in the social research, mentoring techniques, publishing strategies, Internet research techniques, and research integrity and ethics. The book is designed primarily to provide researchers with an understanding of some research approaches that are useful for researching Africa. By asking fundamental questions about how to rethink methods, this book is also a critical contribution for thinking through knowledge decolonisation. The suggestions made about the possibility of studying Africa systematically are therefore subject to close examination. What integrates the chapters in this book can seem somewhat ordinary. But many research and mentoring insights are so discernible, so essential, that they are arduous to master, and convey with originality and clarity. The inventiveness of this book therefore hinges upon the simplicity with which conventional but distinct facts about the approaches examined are assembled into a coherent and intellectually persuasive synthesis.
Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in AfricaCODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook
Thriving as a PhD Mentee: Mediating Mentor-Mentee Conflicts
Revisiting the Basics
Epistemological Paradigms in Social Research
Brief Descriptions of Qualitative Research Methods
Brief Descriptions of Quantitative Research Methods
Brief Descriptions of Emergent Research Methods
Brief Descriptions of Comparative Research Methods
Brief Descriptions of African-centered Research Methods
Harnessing the Internet for Free Cutting-Edge Computer Software and Other Tools
The Art, Science and Politics of Publishing
Research Integrity and Ethics
Research Methodology: Knowledge Gained through Direct Experience
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