L’Etat marocain dans la durée (1850-1985)


Abdelali Domou
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName## https://doi.org/10.57054/codesria.pub.493

Mots-clés :

Etat marocain, Perspectives


Edited by Abdelali Domou

Dakar, CODESRIA, 1990, 174 p., ISBN : 2-86978-001-X (paperback)

Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. University of South Carolina ''This interdisciplinary work by six Moroccan scholars-historians, economists, and specialists in public law-offers a long- term examination of state structures in Morocco. Its objectives are to identify the changes provoked by the substantial penetration of foreign economic and political influence beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century; to determine the extent to which these changes transformed the Moroccan state; and to describe alterations in the state structure that have occurred since independence in 1956. Underlying these themes of change is a search for continuity in organizational forms, even as the nature of the state shifted. Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. University of South Carolina


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juillet 23, 1990