Mots-clés :
Sex education, reproduction, mother, adolescents, sexual behaviour, sexuality, sexual communication, reproductive health, NigeriaSynopsis
Adolescence is said to be the stormiest period for human sexuality development. Studies have shown that children from high communicating households develop attitudes similar to their parents' and seek peers · who confirm these attitudes rather than those who contradict them. However, in view of the unfavourable socio-economic situation and effects of modernization
and urbanization on the traditional family system, literature suggest there is widening sexuality communication gap between mothers and their daughters • Yet researchers always recommend intra-family sexuality communication as a primary
solution to the frightening picture of adolescent reproductive health probleins in the country1 (Oladepo, · 1994; Olawoye, 1995; Makinwa-Adebusoye, 1996). Unfortunately, specific information on various aspects of this important
phenomenon is scanty. Therefore the main objective of this study is to examine the current mother-daughter sexuality communication patterns with a view to suggesting programme: approaches that can be effective in closing the sexuality
communication gap. This descriptive study was carried out in three randomly selected cluster communities in lbadan North Local Government Area. A total of 12 Focus
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