Traditional agricultural tehnology in Nubia : continuity and change


AL-BATAL, Sanaa Muhammad Muhammad Ahmad

Mots-clés :

Agricultural engineering, traditional technology, crops, division of labou, agricultural systems


This thesis is a study of traditional agricultural technology in Nubia. It d~als specifically with continuity and change in this aspect-of Nubian culture. The underlying objective of the thesis is the documentation, analysis and interpretation of traditional agricultural technology in Nubia; and the search for a better understanding of there'.Lationship between the traditional and modern agricultural technologies in Nubia; as well as a better understanding of Nubian agriculture as a socio-econan.ic
factor. The introduction presents a de:fini tion of traditional agricultural technology and gives a literature revision the state of research on the subject. It also discusses methodology and fieldwork and includes the major. hypothesis of the thesis.
Chapter One examines related aspects of the study area. These i.nclude its peop'.Le, historycal enviror.ment and climate.
Chapter Two is a historical reivew of agriculture in Nubia. It deals. witp·.tmnature of evidence on this subject and the different stages of its.development. Chapter Three addresses the subject of water-lifting devices and agricultural implements; wni le Chapter Four deals with the agricu1tu;ral systems which ineititie itJ.agricultural cycle, agricultural o:Perations, the crops and
the divis.i on of 1 abour.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

AL-BATAL, Sanaa Muhammad Muhammad Ahmad, stagiaire

Thesis sutmi tted in partial fulfilment for the D.ei;ree of Master of Arts in Folklore


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juin 22, 2023


Renseignements à propos de cette monographie

Dimensions physiques