Linkages Between Farm and Non-Farm Enterprises in Selected Rural Areas of Anambra State, Nigeria
Mots-clés :
Agricultural enterprises, service industry, industrial sector, rural areas, farms,, farming, rural development, enterprises, non-farm enterprises,, Anambra State, NigeriaSynopsis
This study investigated the nature and extent of linkages_ between farm and non-farm enterprises in _selected rural areas of Anamhra State. It also sought to find out the. "implications of such rural linkages on rural development. A total of 90 farm and non-farm entrepreneurs were randomly selecte~ for the study from six rural communities in three out of five agricultural zones of Anambra State. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and persona! observations. The major findings of.the study were that: rural farm and non-farm enterprises were mainly in the 0 hands of cild and illiterate entrep~e~eurs; much time wa~ spent in production, mainly with crude-tools and_implements; productivity and prices received for the products were low and distance of rural communi ties to urban centres influenced entrepreneurs• choice of enterprise (fqrm or non-farm);
communities·more proximate to urban centres chose more non-farm actlvities while those more remote chose mainly farming;
there was considerable eVidence of rural linkages within the rural enclaves of the State; as increasing
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