Mots-clés :
Computer Conferencing, Communication engineering, Job Satisfaction, Communication SystemsSynopsis
This study investigated the impact of Computer-Mediated Communication Technologies (CMCTs) on user's Interpersonal Orientation (10) and Job Satisfaction GS). The Job Description Index GDI) and the Interpersonal Orientation Scale (IOS) were used to measure participants' JS and 10, respectively. A total of 300 participants (186 males, 114 females, 148 CMCTs users, 152 non-users, 141 senior staff and 159 junior staff) drawn from Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Elf Petroleum, Diamond Bank Limited, and Citizens Bank Limited all in Port Harcourt, Rivers State were used for the study. The major instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. MAN OVA statistics were used for the analysis of data.
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