HIV and AIDS and its implications for the ministry of healing in some Pentecostal churches in Namibia.
Mots-clés :
Aids, HIV, christianity, pentecostalism, NamibiaSynopsis
Healing has long been considered part of the Church's pastoral and diaconal calling.
For Christians the ministry of healing is grounded in the Word, sacraments and
prayer. Based on this understanding some of the Pentecostal churches in Namibia
proclaim that HIV and AIDS can be cured through divine healing. It was revealed
through interviews with both the practitioners of healing and recipients of healing that
the claims of healing HIV and AIDS are not conclusive. It bas been established
through this study that the implications of a failed healing for the recipients include;
lost of faith, hatred towards the practitioners, church, substance abuse and attempts at
suicide. A close study of the available literature substantiates the fact that healing of
HIV and AIDS in Namibia remains only a claim.
The logical conclusion derived was that people confuse healing of HIV and AIDS
with spiritual and psychological strength and tranquillity that they receive from
Pentecostal churches through their healing services. This study recognises the
importance of "healing" and "coping" and the need for appropriate theological and
psycho-social support for the recipients of divine healing. This study also reveals that
HIV and AIDS has forced some Pentecostal churches to revisit their approach of
healing. Thus, some of the Pentecostal churches have embarked upon Home Based
Care, feeding schemes and material support for PL WHA.
The interviews could barely establish a definite case of a successful outcome of
healing of someone who was HIV and AIDS positive and was healed through divine
intervention. Thus, with the help of interviews, observant participation, and literature
review, it was established that the implications for the ministry of healing in some
Pentecostal churches in Namibia is real.
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