Women in irrigation agriculture : : a case study of Batemi of Ngorongora district, in Arusha region
Mots-clés :
Women, women's roles, agricultural production, irrigation systems, emancipation of women,Synopsis
This study deals with the socio-historical origin of current women subordination and its effect on the development of small-holder irrigation agriculture..It examines the problem within the framework of inter and intra household relations of production. The study was centred around the Terni irrigation practice in three villages: Digodigo, Kisangiro and Samunge.
It portrays the subordination of the Terni women despite the contribution they make to the reproduction of their community.
The study is presented in six chapters. Chapter one provides background information about tho Terni people their location and irrigation system. Chapter two reviews available literature on genc1er issues and irrigation agriculture in order to underscore the position of women. Chapter three discusses methodological procedures and shows the difficulty in reaching the Terni women even when the research aims at getting thcir views most. Chapter four presents research findings as obtained from the field with particular attention to the contribution of women in household economy.
This chapter prov'Êis, q:e •èJ((s-œnce of gender
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