Harnessing synergies: the role of traditional institutions in natural resource management in the Tallensi-Nabdam District, Upper East Region
Mots-clés :
Natural resources,, management,, forestry, women's role,, natural resources management, traditional institutions, GhanaSynopsis
Government and Non-governmental Organizations have contributed in diverse ways in facilitating
communities to use traditional structures, systems and institutions in the· management of community
natural resources yet very little have been achieved because existing indigenous structures,
knowledge systems and institutions in natural resource management over the years are least
recognized and integrated in programming NRM issues. This has resulted in unsustainable management
of natural' resources in the Tallensi- Nabdam District. In the light of this, I set out to find
answers to the issue of unsustainability in the current management of natural resources by
investigating into various systems, structure_s and forms of natural resource management in the
To achieve the research goal and objectives, the study used various methods (qualitative and
quantitative) in data collection and analyses. These included Case Studies, Focus Group
Discussions, Observations, In-depth interviews and Questionnaires among others.
The main findings were that; ownership and control of forest and wildlife resources are perceived
as vested in government, hence, communities in the reserve have limited use and access over the
resources. Second, the findings also showed that, the spiritual world is the driving force that
regulates the performance of other institutions in the management of natural resources in the
district. Third, males dominate in natural resources management issues and decisions in the
district. The gendered nature of cultural rights limits the extend to which women use, control and
manage natural resources. Fourth, the perception that traditional institutions lack knowledge of
existing government policies on NRM issues was found to be untrue in the study district because
75%of the respondents were found to be knowledgeable on the existence of NRM policies in the
district. The issue here is access and control. Sixth, the traditional role of festivals purported
to preserve and maintain culture, honour the ancestors is been modified. Festivals are used as fora
to plan, make exchange visits, leam best practices and disseminate government
policies and programmes on natural resource management.
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