Rural water supply in isiala-ngwa local government areas of Imo state, Nigeria


CHIMA, George Nwabuko

Mots-clés :

Natural sciences, water supply, water requirements, rural areas, water shortage, water consumption, domestic consumption,, water distribution, Siala-Ngwa,, Imo State, Nigeria


This work has analysed the water supply situation in Isiala-Ngwa Local Government Area of Imo State. Investiga­ tions were made on the assessment of water demand, sources of water supplyi analysis of deficiency of water supply, and strategies for meeting the water needs of the area. The result of the analysis shows that the total house­ hold water demand fer Isiala-Ngwa is 1108 litres per/ household per day (lhd), while the consumption (supply) is 355 lhd. This gives a deficiency of 7 3 lhd representing a percentage margin of 68%0 On the whole, the mean per capita water consumption per person per day for the area 1 /is 42 litres per capita per day (lpd). This figure re presents some 36.5% of the Federal Government of Nigeria recommended minimum of 115 lpds The average distance travèlled for water collection in the ar a is about 5 kilo­ metres, while people Be d; Ê8üt0f hours in water collection.About 18% of the day time is spent in water collection. This phenomenon therefore affects some productive activities adversely. Out of the 783 public standpipes (both functional and non-functional) in the area, 564 are non­ functional while 219 are functional. Small diameter pipelines (50mm to 100mm) dominate in the area.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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juillet 4, 2023


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