The migration patterns of the nomadic cattle fulani of the Jos Plateau-Nigeria


DOGO, Bala

Mots-clés :

Nomadism, nomads,, internal migration, animal husbandry,, Fulani, Bassa,, Jos, Nigeria


Cattle husbandry accupies a pride of place in · the agricultural sector of Nigeria. The nomadic Fulani dominate the livestock economy·of the country for they not only own but they also rear the bulk of her cattle. The need to cater for the well­ being of their animais has kept them constantly on the move from season ta season, and from one place ta another in search of
pastures and water for their herds the live-wire □f their economy. This constant movement has thus constituted some social,environmental, managerial and planning problems. Their constant movement has thus constituted a serious problem that is making rather difficult ta integrate the nomads into the current streams of rural development and the national life.
This study has set out ta generate and provide reliable base data on the so.cial, ec:onomic and demographic c:haracteristics of thenomadic Fulani in Jos and Bassa L.G.As., whic:h may serve as valuable inputs into planning efforts. The study also sought to identify, describe and analys s the migration fa.ctors a.nd pa.tterns of the nomadic (cattle) pastoralist in the study area. A well-structured questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. This was supplemented with data from secondary sourc such as existing works and maps. A skilful methodology with the partici ant observation in the field was employed. On the basis of 360 respondents, the study found out that: the sizes of the househalds of about two-thirds of the respondents are small with households ranging from 2 - 5 members in size; that an average nom8.dic Fulani ma.nfric:her tha.n most average Nigeria _, except that he. appears haggard; that over 60 percent are illiterates. That their mi9ratory tendency is fixed except in cases of emergencies-such as out break of diseases where the decision to move away could be taken overnight. The study also found that the Fulani nomads in Jas and Bassa L.G.As. have five major migration routes which tend to follow the edges of the Jas Plateau to the adjoining plains, that there is a significant variation in the direction of movement, within-and between- the wet and dry season; and that all the f ctors of migration do not play equal roles in motivating mov ment!:i. The study not only demarcated the major autlets and/or inlets of the nomadic p storalist in the study area but also sh6wed the intra-and-iht. r-state movements involved. The attendant problems involved in migration of the nomads were also discussed. The study ends by suggasting that future studies should foc:us attention on measuring the ratPs and volumes of migration of the nomadic Fulani· and on isolating the few 'push' and 'pull' factors of migration nlt cnly in the study area but also elsewhere.


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juillet 6, 2023


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