Development of a Self-Evaluation Instrument for Clothing Construction for Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State
Mots-clés :
Clothing, evaluation, skills development, service industry, home economics, data analysis, auto-evaluation, Enugu StateSynopsis
The purpose of this study was to develop a self-evaluation instrument which students in tertiary institutions can use to
evaluate basic clothing construction skills and also to ascertain any problem(s) which students encounter with the use of the
manual. A null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in the mean ratings of the clothing skills by the
subjects and the teacher/researcher at 0.05 level of significance was postulated. The population comprised students in the Home Economics area in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. Purposive sampling technique was utilized in selecting the
300-level students offering clothing construction courses. A sixty-eight item basic clothing construction techniques (BCLOTS)
self-evaluation rating scale was the instrument used for the study. The instrument was validated by clothing lecturers and
pilot tested on ten students. The instrument was further administered to the 300-level clothing students for\ selfevaluation
of their clothing skills. !1eans, standard deviation, t-test and percentages were employed in the analysis of data. The findings include the following: self-evaluation instrument which students offering clothing construction courses in tertiary
institutions can use to evaluate their clothing skills; students• self-evaluation of their clothing skills compared well with
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