Mots-clés :
Women's status, social status, urbanization, urban areas, case studies, population, Onitsha, NigeriaSynopsis
This research is basically an attempt to find out the impact of urbanization on the status of' women. It is a case study of Onitsha which is a commercial town on the River Niger. Onitsha town is chosen for this research because of its highly urbanized nature and as a result of its proximity to the researcher. The town of Onitsha is divided into six major areas which are Inland town, Fegge, Woliwo, Odakpu, Waterside and American/G.R.A. Quarter. The field date for thisresearch was aided by the use of questionnaire which was distributed to both female and male respondents. Out of 360 copies of the questionnaire administered, 320 were collected back from the respondents in the proportion of 120 for men and 200 for women.
The influence of traditionalmores and their constraints including the changes that have occurred as a result of urbanization are discussed. The findings are that urbanization has enhanced the status of women in various ways: economic opportupities, entrepreneurship, accessibility to new ideas and greater freedom to accept the challenges of the day.
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